Saturday, October 22, 2005

White Paper: Tablets in Healthcare

It's been a busy couple weeks, but I've got a few moments free right now.

I ran across a white paper published by Motion Computing, a tablet PC vendor that specializes in the slate format or form factor of the tablet PC.

Although the paper is not written from the viewpoint of a laboratorian, it does contain information that might be useful in preparing one's own discussion regarding the advantages of tablet PCs in laboratory medicine.


Anonymous said...
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The Sanity Inspector said...

David, do you have any inside scoop on the recreation of the 1918 flu virus, or any other of the microbiology developments currently in the general public news? Thanks.

Suggestion: Turn on blogger's word verification under the settings, and you won't have these auto-spammers clogging up your comments boards.

David Dietzel CLS MT(ASCP) said...

No, no "inside" information on the reconstitution of the 1918 flu virus from either a technical, medical or political point of view (no government plots or conspiracy theories -- although, they can be entertaining to read about).

You have to understand that journalists in the mainstream media have very little training in the sciences and that their reporting is often incomplete, inaccurate or just plain wrong. Also, nowadays reporters (and even the news organizations for which they work) have their own agendas. Honest, thorough, accurate and unbiased reporting is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. News is more entertainment nowadays and flavored for a particular viewing demographic.

However, if I hear any inside "microbiology dirt" I'll post it.